autstat Support

Hi Thomas,
Further to my message yesterday please note that I'm currently unable to get the latest beta working with R-Excel. I have followed all the instructions again of the wiki by removing everything and re-installing but the problems persists and keep getting the same error "There seems to be no R process connected to Excel" similar to the previously expired version.
Please find below the debug information as requested:
Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
Loading required package: rcom
Loading required package: rscproxy
Loading required package: utils
rcom requires a current version of statconnDCOM installed.
To install statconnDCOM type
This will download and install the current version of statconnDCOM
You will need a working Internet connection
because installation needs to download a file.
> R.Version()$version.string
[1] "R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)"
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
other attached packages:
[1] rcom_3.1-3 rscproxy_2.1-1
> installed.packages()["rscproxy",]
Package LibPath
"rscproxy" "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library"
Version Priority
"2.1-1" NA
Depends Imports
LinkingTo Suggests
Enhances License
License_is_FOSS License_restricts_use
OS_type MD5sum
NeedsCompilation Built
NA "3.3.0"
> installed.packages()["rcom",]
[22740] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[22740] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=00600924, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[22740] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[22740] BDX: DateTime enabled
[22740] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[22740] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[22740] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[22740] askserver #1
[22740] askserver #2
[22740] askserver #3
[9168] DXGI ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. [ MISCELLANEOUS ERROR #80: ]
[9168] DXGI ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. [ MISCELLANEOUS ERROR #80: ]
[22740] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[22740] ~SplashImpl
[22740] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks.
Further to my message yesterday please note that I'm currently unable to get the latest beta working with R-Excel. I have followed all the instructions again of the wiki by removing everything and re-installing but the problems persists and keep getting the same error "There seems to be no R process connected to Excel" similar to the previously expired version.
Please find below the debug information as requested:
Windows v6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
Loading required package: rcom
Loading required package: rscproxy
Loading required package: utils
rcom requires a current version of statconnDCOM installed.
To install statconnDCOM type
This will download and install the current version of statconnDCOM
You will need a working Internet connection
because installation needs to download a file.
> R.Version()$version.string
[1] "R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)"
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United Kingdom.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United Kingdom.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United Kingdom.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
other attached packages:
[1] rcom_3.1-3 rscproxy_2.1-1
> installed.packages()["rscproxy",]
Package LibPath
"rscproxy" "C:/Program Files/R/R-3.3.2/library"
Version Priority
"2.1-1" NA
Depends Imports
LinkingTo Suggests
Enhances License
License_is_FOSS License_restricts_use
OS_type MD5sum
NeedsCompilation Built
NA "3.3.0"
> installed.packages()["rcom",]
[22740] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[22740] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=00600924, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[22740] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[22740] BDX: DateTime enabled
[22740] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[22740] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[22740] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[22740] askserver #1
[22740] askserver #2
[22740] askserver #3
[9168] DXGI ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. [ MISCELLANEOUS ERROR #80: ]
[9168] DXGI ERROR: IDXGISwapChain::GetContainingOutput: The swapchain's adapter does not control the output on which the swapchain's window resides. [ MISCELLANEOUS ERROR #80: ]
[22740] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[22740] ~SplashImpl
[22740] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks.
2017-03-02 11:53
a patch is available under "Download". Please download the StatConnectorSrv.exe and replace the original StatConnectorSrv.exe (typically in c:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM\bin) with the new one.
Then run the test again and post the DbgView output file.
a patch is available under "Download". Please download the StatConnectorSrv.exe and replace the original StatConnectorSrv.exe (typically in c:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM\bin) with the new one.
Then run the test again and post the DbgView output file.
2017-03-02 12:21
Hi Thomas,
Please find below the new DbgView output file following application of the patch.
[26208] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[26208] ##--1.1##
[26208] ##1##
[26208] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=009443E4, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[26208] ##2##
[26208] ##3##
[26208] ##4##
[26208] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[26208] BDX: DateTime enabled
[26208] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[26208] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[26208] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[26208] askserver #1
[26208] askserver #2
[26208] askserver #3
[10092] LINE 567|LogManagementRoutine: WaitForMultipleObjects returned 0x00000000
[10092] LINE 368|@TrimLogFiles|Active size = 12288 bytes (0.011719 M
[10092] LINE 376|@TrimLogFiles|Completed 60 files, size = 565248 bytes (0.539063 M
[10092] LINE 383|@TrimLogFiles|Quota of 50 MB not reached
[26208] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[26208] ~SplashImpl
[26208] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks.
Please find below the new DbgView output file following application of the patch.
[26208] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[26208] ##--1.1##
[26208] ##1##
[26208] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=009443E4, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[26208] ##2##
[26208] ##3##
[26208] ##4##
[26208] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[26208] BDX: DateTime enabled
[26208] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[26208] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[26208] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[26208] askserver #1
[26208] askserver #2
[26208] askserver #3
[10092] LINE 567|LogManagementRoutine: WaitForMultipleObjects returned 0x00000000
[10092] LINE 368|@TrimLogFiles|Active size = 12288 bytes (0.011719 M

[10092] LINE 376|@TrimLogFiles|Completed 60 files, size = 565248 bytes (0.539063 M

[10092] LINE 383|@TrimLogFiles|Quota of 50 MB not reached
[26208] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[26208] ~SplashImpl
[26208] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks.
2017-03-02 13:03
Thanks, just trying to hunt down the problem with the help of Christina Poetschke. She posted before and seems to have the same problem.
2017-03-02 15:02
Thanks Thomas. I have tried the new patch I've found that was published in my download location (SCTools.dll) and below is the new DbgView.
[33068] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[33068] ##--1.1##
[33068] ##1##
[33068] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=00300464, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[33068] ##2##
[33068] ##3##
[33068] ##4##
[33068] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[33068] BDX: DateTime enabled
[33068] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[33068] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[33068] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[33068] ##--3.0.0##
[33068] askserver #1
[33068] askserver #2
[33068] askserver #3
[33068] ##--3.0.1##
[33068] ##--3.1##
[33068] ##4.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[33068] ##5.0##
[33068] ~SplashImpl
[33068] ##5.1##
[33068] ##4.0.2##
[33068] ##4.0.3##
[33068] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
[33068] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[33068] ##--1.1##
[33068] ##1##
[33068] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=00300464, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[33068] ##2##
[33068] ##3##
[33068] ##4##
[33068] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[33068] BDX: DateTime enabled
[33068] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[33068] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[33068] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[33068] ##--3.0.0##
[33068] askserver #1
[33068] askserver #2
[33068] askserver #3
[33068] ##--3.0.1##
[33068] ##--3.1##
[33068] ##4.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] ##6.0.0##
[33068] ##6.0.1##
[33068] ##6.0.3##
[33068] ##6.0.4##
[33068] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[33068] ##5.0##
[33068] ~SplashImpl
[33068] ##5.1##
[33068] ##4.0.2##
[33068] ##4.0.3##
[33068] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
2017-03-02 15:32
Thanks, looks the same at with Christina. Think we got the problem.
2017-03-02 15:45
Bad thing, thought 4 times we got it. Now a new test DLL is up. If you happen to have time to have a look, please do. Christina is out, and I'm, too for today.
2017-03-02 17:10
Thank you. I'm afraid that I have just tried it with the latest patch and got the same results. Please find below the DbgView log:
[35156] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[35156] ##--1.1##
[35156] ##1##
[35156] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=006D466C, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[35156] ##2##
[35156] ##3##
[35156] ##4##
[35156] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[35156] BDX: DateTime enabled
[35156] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[35156] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[35156] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[35156] ##--3.0.0##
[35156] askserver #1
[35156] askserver #2
[35156] askserver #3
[35156] rt: rc=2
[35156] ##--3.0.1##
[35156] ##--3.1##
[35156] ##4.0.1##
[35156] ##7.0 (005b0852,00000113,006c22a0,09c49021)
[35156] ##7.1.0##
[35156] ##6.0.0##
[35156] ##6.0.1##
[35156] ##6.0.2##
[35156] rl: rc=1
[35156] ##6.0.3##
[35156] ##7.2##
[35156] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[35156] ##5.0##
[35156] ~SplashImpl
[35156] ##5.1##
[35156] ##4.0.2##
[35156] ##4.0.3##
[35156] ##--3.1.1##
[35156] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
[35156] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[35156] ##--1.1##
[35156] ##1##
[35156] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=006D466C, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[35156] ##2##
[35156] ##3##
[35156] ##4##
[35156] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[35156] BDX: DateTime enabled
[35156] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[35156] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[35156] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[35156] ##--3.0.0##
[35156] askserver #1
[35156] askserver #2
[35156] askserver #3
[35156] rt: rc=2
[35156] ##--3.0.1##
[35156] ##--3.1##
[35156] ##4.0.1##
[35156] ##7.0 (005b0852,00000113,006c22a0,09c49021)
[35156] ##7.1.0##
[35156] ##6.0.0##
[35156] ##6.0.1##
[35156] ##6.0.2##
[35156] rl: rc=1
[35156] ##6.0.3##
[35156] ##7.2##
[35156] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[35156] ##5.0##
[35156] ~SplashImpl
[35156] ##5.1##
[35156] ##4.0.2##
[35156] ##4.0.3##
[35156] ##--3.1.1##
[35156] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
2017-03-02 17:25
oh no! I really hate to fix code if I cannot run it because I'm not in the office. :-(
New version of SCTools.dll available.
Sorry for the inconveniences. Hope we got it now!
New version of SCTools.dll available.
Sorry for the inconveniences. Hope we got it now!
2017-03-02 17:29
Good morning Thomas.
This latest patch seems to be failing as well. Here is the log:
[34252] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[34252] ##--1.1##
[34252] ##1##
[34252] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=006D1254, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[34252] ##2##
[34252] ##3##
[34252] ##4##
[34252] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[34252] BDX: DateTime enabled
[34252] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[34252] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[34252] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[34252] ##--3.0.0##
[34252] askserver #1
[34252] askserver #2
[34252] askserver #3
[34252] rt: rc=2
[34252] ##--3.0.1##
[34252] ##--3.1##
[34252] ##4.0.1##
[34252] ##7.0 (0009160a,00000113,006c3070,0d247d2f)
[34252] ##7.1.0##
[34252] ##6.0.0##
[34252] ##6.0.1##
[34252] ##6.0.2##
[34252] rl: rc=1
[34252] ##6.0.3##
[34252] ##7.2##
[34252] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[34252] ##5.0##
[34252] ##4.0.2##
[34252] ##4.0.3##
[34252] ##--3.1.1##
[34252] ##6.0.0##
[34252] ##6.0.1##
[34252] ##6.0.2##
[34252] rl: rc=0
[34252] ##6.0.3##
[34252] ##6.0.4##
[34252] ~SplashImpl
[34252] ##--3.1.2##
[34252] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks for your help.
This latest patch seems to be failing as well. Here is the log:
[34252] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[34252] ##--1.1##
[34252] ##1##
[34252] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=006D1254, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[34252] ##2##
[34252] ##3##
[34252] ##4##
[34252] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[34252] BDX: DateTime enabled
[34252] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[34252] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[34252] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[34252] ##--3.0.0##
[34252] askserver #1
[34252] askserver #2
[34252] askserver #3
[34252] rt: rc=2
[34252] ##--3.0.1##
[34252] ##--3.1##
[34252] ##4.0.1##
[34252] ##7.0 (0009160a,00000113,006c3070,0d247d2f)
[34252] ##7.1.0##
[34252] ##6.0.0##
[34252] ##6.0.1##
[34252] ##6.0.2##
[34252] rl: rc=1
[34252] ##6.0.3##
[34252] ##7.2##
[34252] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[34252] ##5.0##
[34252] ##4.0.2##
[34252] ##4.0.3##
[34252] ##--3.1.1##
[34252] ##6.0.0##
[34252] ##6.0.1##
[34252] ##6.0.2##
[34252] rl: rc=0
[34252] ##6.0.3##
[34252] ##6.0.4##
[34252] ~SplashImpl
[34252] ##--3.1.2##
[34252] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
Many thanks for your help.
2017-03-03 09:08
Hello again. I have tried again with the latest patch. Below are the debugger logging:
[43608] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[43608] ##--1.1##
[43608] ##1##
[43608] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=005F0A14, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[43608] ##2##
[43608] ##3##
[43608] ##4##
[43608] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[43608] BDX: DateTime enabled
[43608] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[43608] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[43608] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[43608] ##--3.0.0##
[43608] askserver #1
[43608] askserver #2
[43608] askserver #3
[43608] rt: rc=2
[43608] ##--3.0.1##
[43608] ##--3.1##
[43608] ##4.0.1##
[43608] ##7.0 (00071488,00000113,005e2cb8,0e677337)
[43608] ##7.1.0##
[43608] ##6.0.0##
[43608] ##6.0.1##
[43608] ##6.0.2##
[43608] rl: rc=1
[43608] ##6.0.3##
[43608] ##7.2##
[43608] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[43608] ##5.0##
[43608] ##4.0.2##
[43608] ##4.0.3##
[43608] ##--3.1.1##
[43608] ##6.0.0##
[43608] ##6.0.1##
[43608] ##6.0.2##
[43608] rl: rc=0
[43608] ##6.0.3##
[43608] ##6.0.4##
[43608] ~SplashImpl
[43608] ##--3.1.2##
[43608] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
[43608] statconnDCOM Installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM"
[43608] ##--1.1##
[43608] ##1##
[43608] BDXImpl_init(licensee=Testing, connector=R, parameters=(null), objptr=005F0A14, installpath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM, licensepath=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[43608] ##2##
[43608] ##3##
[43608] ##4##
[43608] BDX_get_vtbl2: conn=R, licensee=Testing, objptr=0040B6A0, version=1, path=C:\Program Files (x86)\statconn\DCOM
[43608] BDX: DateTime enabled
[43608] BDX: Special .NET features enabled
[43608] BDX: x86 support (32bit) enabled
[43608] BDX: x64 support (64bit) enabled
[43608] ##--3.0.0##
[43608] askserver #1
[43608] askserver #2
[43608] askserver #3
[43608] rt: rc=2
[43608] ##--3.0.1##
[43608] ##--3.1##
[43608] ##4.0.1##
[43608] ##7.0 (00071488,00000113,005e2cb8,0e677337)
[43608] ##7.1.0##
[43608] ##6.0.0##
[43608] ##6.0.1##
[43608] ##6.0.2##
[43608] rl: rc=1
[43608] ##6.0.3##
[43608] ##7.2##
[43608] H&S: Closing Splash Screen
[43608] ##5.0##
[43608] ##4.0.2##
[43608] ##4.0.3##
[43608] ##--3.1.1##
[43608] ##6.0.0##
[43608] ##6.0.1##
[43608] ##6.0.2##
[43608] rl: rc=0
[43608] ##6.0.3##
[43608] ##6.0.4##
[43608] ~SplashImpl
[43608] ##--3.1.2##
[43608] CStatConnector::~CStatConnector()
2017-03-03 15:01
ok, found one. fixed it. SCTools.dll available for download
2017-03-04 17:36
Hi Thomas,
The latest patch has now worked!
Many thanks!
The latest patch has now worked!
Many thanks!
2017-03-06 11:00
if i call Statconn from Excel I now have always to press the close button within the form (statconn form that shows that the connection is ok) that appears. That is kind of annoying since if i run a serial jobs, i always have to press close in between. This was different within the version before.
if i call Statconn from Excel I now have always to press the close button within the form (statconn form that shows that the connection is ok) that appears. That is kind of annoying since if i run a serial jobs, i always have to press close in between. This was different within the version before.
2017-03-07 06:41