autstat Support

Subject Replies Views Latest post
icon Rexcel professional license expired - nobody answer !
by nicolas.runtz
2 8804 2019-04-08 08:24
by nicolas.runtz
icon Error occurs when I connect excel to scExcel
by demianx
1 5777 2018-12-05 12:25
by thomas
icon Can't import one column vector from excel to scExcel
by demianx
1 5695 2018-11-29 10:16
by thomas
icon Guidance manual
by Lei
1 6146 2018-06-11 08:24
by thomas
icon using VBA scrip
by arthur
1 6796 2018-01-17 09:33
by thomas
icon statconnDCOM BDX: could not get BDX functions
by benmarjot
1 7027 2017-12-21 19:40
by thomas
icon I get a compile error when I add this code in VBA
by jla2w
5 16262 2017-12-09 09:49
by thomas
icon scExcel workshop in February 2018
by thomas
0 5196 2017-12-02 13:56
by thomas
icon New version of SExcel
by sblanchard
1 6801 2017-11-14 07:03
by thomas
icon How do we run the R code once we get the data in Excel
by sblanchard
8 22300 2017-11-13 18:56
by thomas
icon SExcel: getting started
by sblanchard
1 7113 2017-11-02 06:04
by thomas
icon SExcel4: PutDataframe error
by benmarjot
9 26270 2017-07-24 10:56
by benmarjot
icon Welcome to this forum
by thomas
7 26843 2017-07-21 14:17
by thomas
icon SExcel4 Beta Error -> msemenoff
by thomas
0 5340 2017-07-18 15:34
by thomas
icon rexcel in 2003
by juanjosefernandez19
1 7160 2017-06-18 19:57
by erich
icon RCommander?
by thomas
2 9897 2017-05-25 17:46
by thomas
icon RExcel4 Workshop
by thomas
0 5982 2017-05-15 17:47
by thomas
icon RExcel4: missing values and data frames
by thomas
0 5393 2017-04-10 08:05
by thomas
icon RExcel4
by thomas
0 5846 2017-03-06 07:50
by thomas
icon Rexcel and ggplot2
by aschmutz
2 11887 2016-10-07 15:58
by erich