
This is autstat's download area. You will only see the downloads applicable to you. Please log in with the supplied user credentials to see your download files.

qmd4 Folder

qmd4 is our daughter company focused on doing the automation part of autstat. Below you will find the product folders in german and english language of qmd4.

Tools for statconnDCOM/scExcel/SWord

You can find a set of tools/test programs for autstat software here


Please download the attached ZIP file to and unpack it to find a small test program useful to validate a correctly installed license file.

Enter the name of the license, choose the server to use and click on "Test".

If everything succeeds, you should see a splash screen and no error message.


SetupTest/Maintenance Tool

Please download the attached ZIP file to and unpack it to find a small test program which will assist you in maintaining tools/components required to run autstat R connectivity tools

  1. Analyze your system: check for the current installations of R (32 and 64 Bit), required R packages and statconnDCOM
  2. Provides help in installing required R packages
  3. Allows you to switch to a different version of R if multiple versions are installed
  4. Will assist you in installing license files for statconnDCOM, scExcel and SWord